Phytonutrients for Pisces Season
Any and all material appearing on The Holographic Phytomancy blog website, and all affiliated social media, emails, and newsletters are written exclusively for entertainment and education uses only. Please, always consult a professional healthcare provider before beginning any new treatment or program. Any and all material written on this website should not take the place of medical care or advice. Astrology is not meant to diagnose or treat illnesses. Do not diagnose yourself without speaking to a licensed healthcare professional. You can cause serious harm to yourself. See the Terms & Conditions page for more information.
Please also see the Introduction to the Holographic Herbal post for more information on how I use color and astrology.
What is Pisces and its significations?
What parts of the body does Pisces rule?
What is a phytonutrient?
What is a chakra?
Pisces, Crown
The importance of Hydration
What are the Pisces Phytonutrients, and how do they support the body?
Garlic & Onions: Quercetin and Kaempferol
Welcome to the sixth installment of the Phytonutrients Per Zodiac Series! We started with Libra last year, and we’ve worked our way to Pisces. What makes me excited about this blog post is the fact that my 11th house of Friends and Networks is ruled by Pisces, and I have a lot of Pisces friends who read these installments! I’m also surrounded by Pisces placements in my family and in-laws, too! The energy of Pisces is absolutely all around me.
Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, and it is the sign that is known to represent artists, musicians, poets, writers, singers, and creatives. It also represents mystics, psychics, mediums, and magicians, too. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and co-ruled by Neptune. Jupiter and Neptune also rule Sagittarius, and we discussed Sagittarian Phytonutrients back in December. I personally think of Neptune for Pisces rulership, and Jupiter for Sagittarius. Although, it is interesting that the Greek God Poseidon is the God of the Sea and of horses, and Neptune is the Roman equivalent of Poseidon (horses (Sagittarius) and the Sea (Pisces)). Neptune is a planet that represents illusions, dreams, fantasies, deceit, escapism, magic, mysticism, spirituality, and psychic abilities. The ocean and water were symbols of fertility, and was said to be the creation of humans in some cultures. The Mesopotamian God Ea was a God of Water, Creation, Fertility, and Magic. It is said the Sumerian counterpart, Enki, was also a God of Water, Fertility, Creation, and Sorcery. It is also said that Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, and Aphrodite, the Greek equivalent of Venus, was said to have been born from the foam of the sea. I’ve mentioned Neptune in my blog post titled “Melatonin, Neptune, and The Moon”:
“Neptune has been associated with the Artist Archetype, the Escapist Archetype, and the Martyr Archetype. Because of Neptune’s “escapism” qualities, Astrologers find that, depending on the chart, Neptune can express addiction of various kinds in a natal chart. The Martyr Archetype comes in with Christianity’s Jesus Christ, making note that both Poseidon and Jesus are connected to symbols of fish, ocean, and water. Jesus turned water into wine, he is connected to the Sea of Galilee, and was said to have walked on water. The stories from the bible tell us that Jesus essentially sacrificed his life for humankind. Ironically, Pisces is related to humanity as a whole, and how we are all connected to each other. It can also describe someone who makes sacrifices for people, despite their own energy reserves. The Artist Archetype should be an easy archetype to understand with Neptune’s fantasy qualities. Depending on the natal chart, Neptune can express the ability to create “worlds”, fantasies, and to “escape” into another realm. Therefore, Neptune is associated with poetry, world-building in fantasy novels, video game lore and gameplay (who else escapes into Skyrim?), and even escaping into a “lie” or fantasy- one in which an entire lore was created to bolster it to make it seem real (illusion, deceit).”
Jupiter, on the other hand, is the Greater Benefic, and signifies luck, fortune, expansion, rewards, and abundance. It also represents spirituality and faith, which is another aspect of Pisces. Pisces’ Realm is the Twelfth House, which represents the subconscious mind, spirituality, dreams, imagination, karmic themes, and isolation. It is in this house that we understand a bit more about why Pisces is such a mystic-like sign, and it is also where I become fascinated with Pisces energy. Pisces is a very complex and beautiful energy. Because of Jupiter’s compassionate nature, Neptune’s enigmatic ability to dissolve the boundaries of our reality, and the Twelfth House’s themes of Imagination and Isolation, there is a real “Wizard” energy to Pisces. They are like the wizard Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, who sets our protagonists up for their journey by peeling away the layers of their mundane life, and unveiling the harsh truth underneath it all. Gandalf also goes off on his own side quest away from the group (isolation), and comes back to guide the group to their goals in their most dire hour (luck). There is also a sense of sacrifice to Pisces, too. As mentioned before, Pisces can take on martyr roles due to their ability to empathize with others. We will shortly discuss soon that Pisces rules the immune system and lymphatic system, and when we take on too much (emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally), we can become sick from the “heaviness” of it all. Just like the Christians’ Jesus Christ figure made a sacrifice for all humanity (as told in the Christian Bible), and Gandalf the Gray sacrificed himself to save our heroes from the Balrog, Pisces energy can also dip into this martyrdom territory to relieve others of their suffering.
Of Note: I am not talking about Sun Signs! I am talking about energies. Just because you have a prominent Pisces Placement, doesn’t mean that I am saying that you are like this at all!
White/Violet and The Crown Chakra, Sahasrara
Pisces aligns with violet on the Zodiacal Color Wheel, and violet is the color that represents The Crown Chakra, also known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit, which means “thousands”. Chakras are a part of an ancient system that originated in India, and they were mentioned in the Vedas, which was a large text of esoteric wisdom written from 1500 - 1000 BC. In Sanskrit, chakra means “spinning wheel”, and this refers to certain points in the body that are thought to give off specific energies, and they correspond to organs and systems within the body. The Crown Chakra aligns with the crown of the head, and is said to correspond with the pineal gland and higher consciousness. Dr. Deanna Minich, the Queen of Phytonutrients, and the Nutritional Scientist that inspired my work with phytonutrients, gives the circadian rhythm, spirit, and purpose/meaning to The Crown Chakra. She also utilizes fasting, or the absence of food, for supporting this chakra. Everyone is different when it comes to fasting. Some cultures and religions rely on fasting for metaphysical or spiritual purposes. The truth is that fasting can support cell death (apoptosis), and can support cancer treatments as complementary therapy [8]. It is being widely seen as “cleaning house” in reference to detoxing the body. I am of the opinion that fasting should be reserved for religions and cultural purposes, as well as severe conditions that would benefit from a fast. I am a believer that one should stack nutrients, creating a strong system that would be able to endure a fast without negative side effects. It is important to note here that Dr. Deanna Minich is a licensed professional who knows how to support her clients through a fast properly. Please speak to your doctor before doing a fast.
Pisces in Medical Astrology/Astro-Anatomy
I am not a professional Medical Astrologer. I am, however, very fascinated by it, and use it to support my own work with my client case studies. I read/listen to the works of figures in this field like Sajah Popham, Judith Hill, and Kira Sutherland. If Medical Astrology interests you, please check out their work for more information.
Pisces rules the feet and toes, immune system, lymphatic system, lymph fluid, and fluids in general. For this reason, this blog post is going to focus on the importance of hydration for Pisces Season. Now, I know my Pisces friends won’t let me off that easily! As mentioned before, Pisces energy is very complex and hard to truly pin down in words. However, some of the most complicated things in life require the most simplistic approach, and water is one of the very necessary things our bodies require.
The lymphatic system runs parallel to our circulatory system, and it plays a part in our immunity. Technically, it is part of the immune system. It is a one-way system that drains lymph fluid from the body tissues into our circulatory system. There are lymph vessels that are connected to lymph nodes, and this is where the lymph fluid passes through and drains. Inside the lymph nodes are white blood cells, which are also known as lymphocytes. These lymphocytes have the ability to address bacteria, viruses, and damaged cells by breaking them down, and then the lymph fluid carries this waste and toxic matter into the bloodstream where then the kidney and liver process and discard this waste from the blood. When your lymph nodes become swollen, it is possibly an indication that your lymph nodes have trapped a virus or infection that it cannot process right away, and therefore can get “stuck” in the nodes.
There are several ways to support the lymphatic system, fortunately. To reiterate, the lymphatic system runs parallel to the circulatory system, it is important that movement becomes a priority in our daily routine. Movement, especially exercise that you enjoy, feels accessible to you, and feels safe for you to engage in, actually helps push the lymph fluid along the vessels to their drainage sites. You may have heard by now that “sitting is the new smoking”. In fact, sitting may reduce one’s lifespan, and is associated with an increased risk of “all-cause mortality”, essentially meaning “dying from any cause” [1]. Obviously, a healthy diet filled with antioxidants from whole foods can also support the lymphatic system, and we will cover some whole foods in this blog post a little later. Massage can also support the lymphatic system by encouraging the circulation of lymphatic fluid, too. Dry brushing, one of my favorite ways to support my lymphatic system, is a great way to eliminate dead skin cells by exfoliation, as well as assisting the lymph through the lymphatic vessels. This blog post is going to be long on its own, so I will let you explore dry brushing on your own. Since this is a blog post about Pisces Season, my favorite way to hype my case study clients up for movement to support their lymphatic system is to swim! (Who doesn’t want to be a mermaid?)
I know it sounds trite to say, but it really is true: hydration is so important for literally every aspect of our being. The human body is made up of somewhere between 55-65% water. The cells in our body contain 60% of the water that is present in our body, and some body organs contain more water than others. Below is a table of body parts and their percentage of water.
It is very important to me to note that even though water is a basic necessity, access to clean water is unfortunately not guaranteed for everyone in the world. One in four people in the world do not have access to clean water. In 2019, it was reported that about 382 people died from unsafe water sources, 987 deaths were reported from no access to handwashing abilities, and 682 deaths were reported from unsafe sanitation in just the United States alone [2]. Furthermore, it was also documented that in 2022, 8.56 million people were not drinking from safe water facilities in the United States [3]. That number has actually decreased from 2000, where 11.77 million people were not drinking from safe water sources [4].
75% of Americans may be chronically dehydrated, with about 17-28% of elderly Americans reported to be chronically dehydrated [5]. The body releases excess water through urination, sweating, breathing, and defecation. It is important to replenish your water on a daily basis. The amount of water that a person requires is different, although it is widely accepted that age, weight, activity level, health conditions, and even climate are factors in determining how much water a person needs on a daily basis. For instance, if you live in a hotter climate, you sweat more, and therefore need to hydrate your body more often than a person who lives in a colder climate. If you want to know how much water you should be drinking, consult your healthcare provider.
Water is so vital for healing, and a lot of holistic practitioners focus on increasing water intake first in the healing process with their clients. Some beneficial effects of increasing clean water intake is that you will notice that your skin will clear up and will be hydrated. Water is essential for our kidneys to remove waste and toxins from your blood, so you will be supporting the kidneys to do this crucial job for you. Recall that our brain is made up of 80-85% water. Have you ever gone a full day running on coffee, and realized that you barely drank any water? Did you notice your brain fog, clumsiness, and poor concentration? Drinking more water will actually help your brain and cognition. Water is also essential for our heart, since our heart is made up of 80% water, and our blood is made up of 50%. Without water, you decrease the amount of blood in your body, and dehydration can contribute to low blood pressure. Through our blood, hormones are transported to their receptor sites. So, if you have a hormonal imbalance, I would absolutely try to get more water in throughout the day so that the hormones necessary for optimal health get to their receptor sites. You may also find that your bowel movements become more regular, and I cannot stress enough how supporting the waste system is so important in anyone’s health. I’ve spoken about it many times in various places on my blogs and social media posts. Water also lubricates the joints. Cartilage, which is found in our joints, is a flexible tissue, and it requires water to cushion, or protect, it. On an emotional level, low water intake has been correlated to low moods and depression, as well [6]. One study [7] showed that dehydration decreases cognitive performance, reduces overall vigor, impairs short-term memory, increases fatigue, and has a negative impact on self-esteem and self-worth. However, re-hydrating the participants of the study reversed all of the previously stated effects, and improved their mood.
Lastly, tying it back to the lymphatic system and immune system, drinking enough water helps the lymph fluid move through the lymphatic system, which decreases the chance of blockages of waste matter that contribute to swollen lymph nodes. There are so many other reasons why we need water, that it is nigh impossible to name them all. Like I said, every aspect of our being requires water. Since Pisces is the last zodiac sign, and astrologers often say that Pisces integrates all of the energies of the previous eleven signs, I see Pisces as representing a holistic view of the whole being.
There have been studies on the utilization of coconut meat and oil, and since we are talking about white phytonutrients and whole foods, I thought coconut was perfect to feature in this blog post. Coconuts, (Cocos nucifera), are grown in 90 different countries. 80% of the coconuts produced are grown in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, The Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, and Thailand. The coconut tree grows best in tropical climates and rainforests.
Coconut Meat and Coconut Oil
The bioactive peptides that are released from globulin proteins found in coconut meat have been studied, and these peptides express physiological benefits and antioxidant properties for the body [10]. Coconut meat contains a lot of nutrients, and its medium-chain triglycerides are utilized in the small intestines as a source for energy [11]. One cup of coconut contributes to over 20% of the daily value of fiber, however not all of this fiber is digested. Fiber supports a healthy digestive system and supports bowel movements, and it is very important to make sure you are getting enough fiber in your system. The Nutritional Girlies on Instagram have claimed the year 2024 as the Year of Fiber!
Coconut oil found in the coconut also has many health benefits. Studies done on coconut oil show that it has the ability to improve heart health by decreasing LDL (bad) cholesterol while boosting HDL (good) cholesterol. I am an Italian American, and put olive oil on everything, but one 4-week study [12] observed the effects of coconut oil, unsalted butter, or olive oil when consumed on a daily basis. The participants who consumed coconut oil showed an increase in HDL cholesterol compared to the participants who consumed unsalted butter or olive oil. Coconut oil also supports cognitive health, and while we are talking about The Crown Chakra, I thought this was important to note here. Some studies set out to see the cognitive benefits of coconut oil, and found that the medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil have many health benefits, but may prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions related [13]. According to the study, medium-chain fatty acids are absorbed in the liver, and then are converted into chemicals called ketones. While glucose serves as the main fuel source for the brain, these ketones may serve as an alternative energy source [14]. The study goes on to say that the ketones may help patients with memory impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Lastly, since we are talking about Pisces, the immune system is benefitted from coconuts. Those medium-chain fatty acids we have been talking about actually have the ability to reduce inflammation while boosting the immune system. Coconuts offer anti-carcinogenic [15], anti-pathogenic, and antiviral [16] properties.
Coconut Water
Circling back to hydration, while there really is no substitute for plain water, coconut water can be a great option when one needs hydration as well as electrolytes. Coconut water is made up of 95% water, and also contains potassium, magnesium, and sodium [9]. So, if you are in need of electrolytes, coconut water is preferable to the sugary sports drinks that we are all familiar with. However, if you have a kidney condition, electrolyte imbalances, high levels of potassium in your blood, or if you’re on a diuretic or heart medication, I would suggest asking your doctor before giving it a try. The unfortunate part of processing and shipping coconut water is the impact that it can have on the environment due to irrigation, water usage, possible chemical use (fertilizers and preservatives), and deforestation.
Garlic and Onions: Kaempferol and Quercetin
When working with case study clients and white phytonutrients, I tend to approach them from a cleansing aspect, and I look at whole foods with antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Garlic contains kaempferol, and onions contain quercetin, and both are under the phytonutrient category called flavonoids. Kaempferol has been studied for its effects on the body, particularly its anti-carcinogenic properties, but lesser known are its effects on the central nervous system (CNS). One study [17] set out to understand kaempferol’s potential neuroprotective effects. This study reiterates that many other studies have explored the health benefits of flavonoids, and highlight their cardioprotective, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and anti neuroinflammatory activity. However, this study found that supplementing kaempferol had an antidepressant effect, and counteracted depressive behaviors in mice. It was also noted that botanicals containing kaempferol express anxiolytic effects, meaning these botanicals had the ability to alleviate anxiety.
Quercetin, found in onions may also hold some neuroprotective benefits, as well. One study [18] researched the antidepressant property of quercetin. This study, like the study done on kaempferol, mentions the anticancer, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory property of quercetin, but takes it one step further to understand its neuroprotective benefits. As I understand it, this study found that quercetin may decrease depression by regulating neurotransmitters (the signaling molecule in our brain), promoting the regeneration of neurons found in the hippocampus, supporting the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis), and reducing inflammation and oxidative stress that causes DNA damage and other chronic conditions. So, not only are onions amazing for the immune system, they are so supportive to our neuronal health, too.
Lastly, one study [19] studied the health benefits of kaempferol and quercetin, and expressed that both phytonutrients should be studied further as future prospects of natural antibiotics, and mention that there could be profitable benefits to their bioactive properties such as being antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective. Utilizing onions and garlic as a gentle and natural antibiotic may prove valuable for those who wish to support their immune system through natural treatments and therapies.
I mention garlic and onions because when I think of Pisces I think of the immune system and lymphatic system, but in the way I work with phytonutrients, Pisces aligns with The Crown Chakra (white/violet phytonutrients), and therefore I wanted to feature herbal allies and phytonutrients that held both potent abilities to support our immunity while also expressing neuroprotective abilities. It has been said in Magical/Occult Communities that mental health is so important for the magician, and the upkeep on our mental health will only expand our psychic and intuitive (Pisces) inclinations.
The Wrap-Up
Well, I’ve managed to write a 4,000 word blog post! I wanted to add more information, but I will save all of that for the Holographic Phytonutrient Book! There is much to explore here, and really could go on and on, but we learned how to support our immune and lymphatic system (Pisces) in easy ways: hydration and through the use of some phytonutrients in light colored foods that are also neuroprotective (Crown Chakra). So, I hope this helped you, and I’d love to know what white/violet foods you incorporate into your daily dietary routine this Pisces Season! And…. drink more water!
Bonny Casel, ND
Dr. Deanna Minch, Ph.D., CNS
Sajah Popham, Herbalist
Judith Hill, Medical Astrologer
Kira Sutherland, Medical Astrologer & Sports Nutritionist
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